Sunday 30 August 2015

Structure of Chinese Light Novel

Structure of Chinese Light Novel

Literature of Chinese Light Novel

  • Words structure, poem and idiom used is from the Chinese literature like how English and other languages uses their own poem, idiom and word play at their own country. So it is understandable if you do not understand what the translator translate from Chinese to English since you need to understand their culture but usually the translator will give an info on the thing that reader will not understand.

For example:

From Douluo Dalu Chapter 55:
'Using it to create hidden weapons was practically like a tiger growing wings'
It is an idiom that means 'Something strong redoubling its power'.

From Douluo Dalu Chapter 64:
‘love the house and its crow’ means 'If you get involved with one part, you’ll have to get involved with them all. Or: Love me, love my dog.'

  • I don't know about you guys but whenever I read the Chinese novel, they tend to be a little extreme to explain their point like they usually use "you embarrass me to death" or "I am happy to death". It doesn't only stop with the dead but if you read the word play and idiom and you understand them, it shows how very deep the the Chinese literature is. Also it is fun to learn the pun of their language like:
            4444: If you pronounce it in Chinese, the spelling is similar to the word 'Death' which they find it very unlucky to get this number.

The belief of the Chinese related to how the story was created  

    If you realize, some of the story are related to their belief in their religion especially in the Reincarnation part like in the novel 'Descent of the Phoenix', 'Desolate Era', 'Chaotic Sword God', Douluo Dalu' and 'Battle through the Heavens'. 

      You can also see that the story is mostly about  a weak person or an already strong person but became weak again rise up to be powerful individual. The story of how they obtain their power and their fight against fate or what they called as the gods and heavens.

The culture and martial arts of the Chinese related to the invention of stories

       So if you realize, all story about Chinese story must have some martial arts. There aren't many that have without them since Martial Arts were basically created by Great Masters in China and immigrated to Japan and other countries.

    Also since the economic of China has risen, don't be shock there are advanced technology and science-fiction that mostly appear in Japanese and Western stories. The Sci-Fi novels that were produced are Zhan Long, Shadow Rogue and Quan Zhi Gao Shou.

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